Root Chakra

Red acts on the Basic Chakra

Location: base of the spine; Physical Correlation: associated with the Adrenal Glands; Color: vermilion. The Root Chakra is responsible for the absorption of kundalini or telluric energy, and the stimulation of energy flow in the body and blood circulation. Its primary function is survival, which encompasses basic physical needs such as eating, drinking, and sleeping, as well as sexual and shelter needs. A well-developed Root Chakra enables the perception of environmental energies. On the other hand, when this chakra is imbalanced, it can cause insecurity, lack of courage, violent behavior, greed, or anger. The person may also exhibit excessive preoccupation with their own survival, tension, and a “living to have” attitude. Some of the most commonly used stones for balancing the Root Chakra are Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Onyx, and Hematite.


The first chakra is located at the base of the spine, specifically between the anus and genitals. It is associated with the body’s hardness, including the spine, bones, teeth, and nails. Additionally, it is physiologically linked to the cellular structure of the blood, due to the adrenal gland’s role in regulating our body’s readiness for action. Corresponding organs include the anus, prostate, rectum, and large intestine.

This chakra, also known as the Root Chakra, serves to ground us in the physical world and allows our subtle energy system to connect directly with the earth’s energy. This connection provides us with the stability and strength necessary to achieve our goals in life. Through this chakra, we connect to the spirit of Mother Earth, tapping into her love, creativity, welcome, and strength.

This chakra is associated with everything related to survival, including both actual and perceived threats, such as food, shelter, finances, and fear of life-threatening situations. It also plays a role in sexual signals related to the survival of the species, reproduction, and family building.

Basic Chakra in harmony ​

When the first chakra functions in harmony, we are able to feel grateful for all that the Earth provides us with, such as food, protection, and stability. It also allows us to feel secure and confident in our abilities to achieve our goals. This chakra represents both stillness and birth, and its balance ultimately leads to an understanding and acceptance of the impermanence of life, including death and rebirth.

How to balance?


Mentalize the red;

Contact with nature: sitting in the fresh ground of red earth. inhale the earth odor. Watch the sunset;

Aromas: Cedar and clove; Artistic activities:

Dances and Clay;

Teas: Hibiscus and ginger.



Basic Chakra in harmony

To avoid plagiarism, here’s a possible rephrased version of the original text:

The dysfunctional activity of the 1st chakra involves being overly fixated on sexual desires and material possessions, often without considering the consequences. This can lead to indulging in excessive sensual pleasures, disregarding one’s own well-being, and resorting to alcohol, drugs, or overeating.

Muladhara also represents the tendency to cling to material possessions, leading to difficulties in detachment, which can manifest in the physical body as constipation, obesity, and social isolation.

Moreover, the unbalanced use of this vital energy may give rise to emotional defense mechanisms that manifest as anger, violence, intolerance, and irritation. In extreme cases, this can lead to uncontrolled outbursts of rage that harm oneself and others. Lastly, many people neglect their duty to care for the planet Earth, which can cause disturbances in their Root Chakra.


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