Experience the 5 principles of Reiki

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The principles of Reiki serve as reminders for us, as cues that help us maintain our vibration or mental commands (programming) that make it easier for us to remember the present moment, the fullness of everything we do in the now. 

Each of the following 5 principles may have a slight variation according to the school or language, however their basic meaning remains the same:


  1. Just for today I am grateful for my manifold blessings.

Remember that everything is vibration, energy and resonance.

This principle reminds us to emanate to the Universe the vibration of abundance, of gratitude, in which you already thank the whole for everything you have and will have, because everything already belongs to you and is part of your existence.


  1. Just for today I do my work honestly.

This principle is not just about being honest in the sense of not stealing, it goes far beyond that.

It talks about being honest with yourself, whether you are really doing what you love to do, your work/life mission, or whether this is a step for you to migrate to your life mission.


  1. Just for today I respect my fellow man and all that lives.

 This “respect” can be read as “love”, exactly because it expresses the idea of love for everything and all living things that exist around you, emanating and attracting the highest vibrations of the Universe to you.


  1. Just for today I don’t get angry or critical.

When you get angry or start criticizing something, your vibration starts to drop, noticing the “faults” and “imperfections” of others or yourself, emanating into the universe a vibration of separation and duality, contrary to the idea of Oneness that Reiki brings.


  1. Just for today I don’t worry.

 This principle’s main purpose is to remind you to live in the present, in the here and now. For the past is gone and the future doesn’t exist, so why pre-occupy yourself with something that doesn’t exist yet?

Meditate on how the 5 Reiki principles can be remembered and used in your everyday life.

Be kind to yourself.

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