Most Reiki practitioners are initiated into Usui and Tibetan Reiki. But knowing other Reiki systems can also enhance your self-application and application to others. Learn more about the types of Reiki Karuna, Teramai, Egyptian and Violet Flame.
The energy of Karuna is channeled through SOUND. You should maintain the name of the Sacred Symbol out loud.
This system facilitates the unfolding of Compassion, the pure Cosmic Love of Avalokiteshvara and Kuan Yin, who are the rulers of this system.
In addition, you can work on the “shadows” in yourself (on the first level) and in others (on the second level) through the “Healing of One’s Shadow” meditation.
Karuna intensifies the Pink Flame (Love) of your sacred heart, the Triune Flame.
Learn more about Karuna Courses and other types of Reiki that I offer 🙂
TeraMai Reiki and Teramai Seichem
Provides a powerful connection to planet Earth, bringing Trust and Assurance for the manifestation of the highest purposes on the physical plane (also called the Third Dimension).
You will receive Sacred Symbols with frequencies of transmutation and abundance.
The TeraMai Seichem System unites the healing frequency of the Kahunas (Hawaiian Shamans), called Seichem by them, with the highest frequency of the 4 elements (water, earth, fire and air).
This attunement will allow you to work with the 4 Elemental Healing Rays. TeraMai intensifies the Blue Flame (Power) of your sacred heart, the Triune Flame.
Learn more about the Teramai Courses and other types of Reiki that I offer 🙂
The Ancient System of Healing and Wisdom used in ancient Egypt, which reconnects us with the Living Light Energy, Creator Source of the Universe also called ALL LOVE, facilitating our process of expanding our consciousness and perception of all our subtle bodies.
It expands your energetic channels (chakras) and facilitates the development of abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, conscious astral projection, among others. Seichim also acts in the connection with the Earth Heart Chakra and the Activation of the Light Body. It intensifies the Golden Yellow Flame (Wisdom) of your sacred heart, the Triune Flame.
Learn more about the Seichim Sekhem Courses and other types of Reiki that I offer 🙂
The Violet Flame and Saint Germain’s Malta Cross
The Violet Flame is one of the attunements offered in the TeraMai Seichem system masters.
Coupled with Saint Germain’s Cross of Malta, one realizes that the Violet Flame not only transmutes Karma and negative patterns, but creates a facilitation in the mastery process for creating a coherent reality. The Maltese Cross creates Divine reality.
Attunement to the Sacred Reiki Symbol of the Violet Flame has been permitted by the ascended planes for all those already attuned to Usui and Tibetan Reiki Level 1 and beyond, as they are bearers of universal Love and Power, connected to source and able to co-create the changes needed on planetary and personal levels.
This attunement is governed by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, adding all the connection of the 7th Violet Cosmic Ray.
Besides him, there are 3 other great personalities involved in this magical moment. Kuan Yin, Lady Portia, and Melchizedek.
Learn more about the Violet Flame Courses and other types of Reiki that I offer 🙂
After reading all these Reiki tips for Beginners and Reiki Therapists, and seeing how there are endless possibilities for connection through Reiki, how are you doing? Have you felt the call to also experience all this energy of unconditional love?
You have the power to connect with this energy by receiving a Reiki session or even becoming a Reiki practitioner, and thus connecting directly with the Universe, the source of all this Love.
Through my work I facilitate these connection processes, and I am available to accompany you during your journey, with much love, dedication and especially respect for the Being you are and the path that brought you here.
Get to know more about my work and talk to me through my page here at Soul Guide.