Quartz crystals can be used to enhance or maintain the emanation of Reiki in an environment, project, or whatever else you wish.
Pay attention when obtaining these crystals, because they have 6 sides. For best results, look for crystals with perfect tips (not broken).
To perform a Crystal Cleansing, draw the symbols on the Crystal Stone in your hand and apply Reiki for 5 minutes, decreting mentally or verbally to the Universe your intention to purify and reprogram the Crystal Stone.
After this process, the Crystal Stone will be clean and charged with Reiki to transmit this Energy for the next 24 hours. The following day, if you wish the Crystal Stone to emit Reiki for another 24 hours, energize it again for 5 minutes with all the symbols you wish.
These crystals can be placed in water jars, plant pots, on your projects and goals that we talked about in the transformation techniques, and wherever else you feel is possible. Follow your intuition!