Sacral Chakra

Orange acts on the sacral chakra

The second Chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra, is located in the lower abdomen area, and is associated with the reproductive organs – testes in males, and ovaries in females. Its color can vary from orange to purple or red, depending on the individual’s circumstances. This Chakra is responsible for energizing the sexual organs, and when blocked, it can cause sexual impotence or discouragement. On the other hand, when overstimulated, it can cause intense sexual desire.

A well-developed Sacral Chakra can stimulate the proper functioning of the other Chakras and aid in the awakening of kundalini energy. It is the center of sexual exchange and joy, promoting physical well-being, pleasure, and achievement, while also allowing for the perception of negative emotions such as guilt, fear, and sorrow.

When the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, it can cause sexual difficulties, lack of motivation, feelings of impotence, confusion, jealousy, envy, and possessiveness. It can also affect one’s desire and will to live, face challenges, and live in the present moment.

To balance the Sacral Chakra, one can use stones such as Jasper, Fire Agate, Garnet, and Coral, among others.


The firsteri charactstic of this energy vortex pertains to the function of water which is linked to the Feminine. In men, its sphere of action manifests as an impulse for action, realization, and fertilization. Whereas in women, the primary impulse is to welcome and surrender to the creative impulse in order to supply, feed, protect, and allow for the growth of new life, both on a literal physical level and on a psychic level.

When balanced

When the second chakra is functioning in balance, we experience life with more enthusiasm and creativity. We feel part of the creative flow of Creation itself, it brings us feelings of well-being, abundance, pleasure and joy, amplifying our sensation of a full and healthy life. As this chakra is related to our blood, its balance keeps it pure and with an adequate distribution to all organs, that is, life flows harmoniously within the body.

Sacral or Splenic Chaka

Function: Where everyday issues are elaborated, such as: desires, maintenance of species, sensuality, passion and material attachments. Body health;

▪ Basic principle: Creative reproduction of the being;

▪ Physical correspondence: Hips, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, blood, digestive juices and sperm;

▪ Chromotherapy: Orange – stimulating and renewing. Frees from crystallized emotional patterns, feelings of self-worth and awakens the joy of sexual pleasure;

▪ Positive qualities: Assimilation of new ideas, Giving and Receiving, Desire, Emotions, Changes, Pleasure, Health and Tolerance;

▪ Negative qualities: Confusion, Jealousy, Impotence, Bladder problems and Sexual problems.

When unbalanced

. Depression ,

. Lack of healthy       boundaries in   relationships,

. Extreme sensitivity,

. Fear  

. Anxiety

. Manipulation .

How to balance this Chakra?


Mentalize the orange;

▪ Contact with nature: Contact with clean water. light observation the moon, especially the full one;

▪ Aroma: Sandalwood;

▪ Teas: Basil and artemisia;

▪ Artistic activities: Drawings and paintings with crayons

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