Yellow acts on the solar plexus.


Location: About 1 cm above the navel; Physical Correlation: Connected to the pancreas; Color: Yellow, strong green, and red. It is responsible for energizing the digestive system. It shows how our digestion (of situations), moods, and control are. It is considered the Chakra of lower emotions. Well-developed, it facilitates the perception of environmental energies. When the Solar Plexus is over-energized, it can generate selfishness, egocentrism, anger, fear, hatred, and difficulty in assimilation/digestion. And when it has low energy, the person becomes apathetic, lacking willpower, and unsatisfied. When blocked, it causes nausea, fear, or irritation. It is where a person’s ego “lives”; it represents the individual’s strength. Its primary functions are power and will. Most commonly used stones: Yellow Citrine, Crystal with Sulfur, Imperial Topaz.


The solar plexus chakra is directly connected to the organs related to the digestive system: stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, and the vegetative nervous system. It concerns our appetite and how we digest everything from food in general to emotional issues.

While the digestive system consumes and digests material impressions, the brain, referred to here as consciousness, digests and consumes the immaterial impressions of the world. The seat of our personality is in the third chakra. This is where our desires and all our likes and dislikes reside. You know that person you don’t like?

That emotion is registered in this energy center. If the relationship is conflicting, it can even alter the functioning of the digestive system, directly affecting an organ. Continuous disorders can disrupt to the point where the physical body cannot withstand and becomes ill. It is in this vital consciousness that we end up creating diseases.

Unbalanced solar plexus chakra

The disharmonious functioning of the solar plexus, on the other hand, emphasizes control. You end up wanting to control everything according to your desires and thoughts.

You easily become angry and express that portion of anger that you previously couldn’t digest, completely without control.

It can also cause restlessness, as you seek a satisfaction that is lacking within, leading to compulsions.

Hypofunctioning makes a person feel depressed and discouraged. Everything seems like an obstacle that prevents the fulfillment of their desires. All of this causes fear, and the person may even develop depression or panic.

Solar Plexus Chakra in harmony

To make it easier, we should initially undergo an energy cleansing with a good professional to restore the vortex (spiral flow movements). After that, we should embark on a path of detailed self-observation to realize how our negative thoughts and feelings may be undermining our vital energy center. How is our anger and our love for life? That is a good point to question. Other questions for reflection include:

Solar Plexus Chakra in harmony

The harmonious functioning of this 3rd energy vortex brings us a feeling of peace, acceptance, and wholeness of ourselves. It provides harmony with life and the position we have in it.

In this way, you are also able to respect other people’s feelings and peculiarities as well.

You end up having the ability to observe situations from less emotional angles, generating more security and tranquility for you and everyone around you.

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How have I been feeling about… (such a situation or person)?

– Have I felt confident in my projects?

– Am I too emotional?

– Am I still stuck on what I heard from so-and-so?

– What might be stuck in my throat in this situation…?

– What is souring my life?

– What am I hungry for?

– What feelings do I feed with too much food/internet/shopping?

– Do I eat too much to occupy more space in society?

Personal and Global Transformation:

We encourage spiritual growth, seeking personal and collective transformation. We contribute to global peace by promoting both inner and outer peace.

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